Holocaust Remembrance Day – Il Giorno della Memoria


Today I don’t want to write about wine but rather about family. All the families that lost people in the Shoah, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, children, nieces, nephews, cousins, neighbors, friends, lovers, husbands, and wives. My family lost 80 people – all of my great grandfather’s brothers and sisters and all of their children, 11 siblings. I can’t stand it as I watch people being attacked the world over still just because they are Jewish and right here in America. Two people survived from the family, in Poland, two. They made their way to the United States and appeared at the Seder at my grandmother’s house in the late 1940s. I was reading stories of survivors these past days and  I am overwhelmed with sadness at what people went through. Having a young son has made it even harder to bear as I imagine mothers saying goodbye to their babies and watching the cruelty around the children. One million Jewish children were murdered in the Holocaust. I think about all they could have done in their lives and likely for the world.  All I want to do today is hug my happy boy and pray that we will never forget and will fight the rise of anti-semitism whenever it rears its ugly head, as is happening everywhere it seems today.

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